We train hundreds of parents each year and it is most rewarding when we receive that call to say that this course saved a child’s life. It can be scary being responsible for a young child, our bitesize course provides the basics of what is needed to act in an emergency to save your child. We cover the following:
Choking, Asthma, Meningitis, Seizures in Babies and Children Dealing with Unresponsive baby or child CPR Recovery Position
Our course is extremely popular amongst parents and grandparents and this bitesize course provides the basics needed for the more common situations. Bring your partner or grandparents along also as this course is invaluable and provides an air of confidence to all who attend. The course is very practical, we use manikins and other equipment to aid your learning.
Course Dates
Friday 13th September
Monday 7th October
Friday 17th November
Mondy 9th December
Friday 10th January
Location: Brockwell Lido SE24 OPA
Dates: Monday or Friday
Times: 1 pm till 2 pm
Sessions cost: £14.50
Duration: 1 hour
Payment: We accept payment by cash, cheque and BACS
Contact us: 0207 738 6633 / info@butterflyfirstaid.com