Thank you for making a booking, we cannot wait to see you at Whippersnappers.
Please arrive 15 minutes early for your booking, to ensure we can get you signed in and temperature checked before the class begins. A staff member will be there to greet you outside.
To avoid sharing of props and equipment we would like you to bring your own dressing up clothes and optional toy/props from home. You can also bring your own shaker and drum or use ours which we will wash and wipe down between sessions.
We will be inside, whereby all adults will be required to wear face mask, If this is at all an issue for you, please do let me know.
Lastly, before entering, we will be taking both you and your child’s temperature, if this reaches above 37.7 degrees. I would also like to remind you not to attend your booking if they have symptoms of the virus or are feeling unwell.
We look forward to seeing you at Whippersnappers.
Any issues, please contact adavey@whippersnappers.org
Whippersnappers Team